the years AHT Members and the members of the
public have contacted us to offer interesting
items relating to British airships, whether
they have a personal connection with the ships
or with one of the many bases around the country.
We are grateful for the wonderful items which
have come forward and can be shared with others
through our website, or when we can put on public
you wish to make a donation of a gift or an
artefact to our collection please be aware we
will require a completed Acqusitions and Transfer
of Title Form completed.
of Donations
So that
we can accept your dontation, we ask you to
sign and agree to the Acquisition and Transfer
of Title Form.
We can only
accept your gift or donation without conditions.
This means that your gift or donation will become
the Trusts property and you and your family
will not be able to claim the gift back. In
addition, we will not have to consult you about
any use we make of your gift or donation. This
includes how it may be displayed and whether
it is sent to another organisation such as an
accredited museum. If, in exceptional circumstances,
we no longer require it, we will dispose of
it in accordance with the guidelines of the
Museums Association, which favour transfer to
an accredited museum. It is not possible for
the Trust to guarantee that your gift will be
put on permanent public display but, when not
on display, we will endeavour to ensure that
it is carefully stored and, where possible,
made available for research and education purposes.
For items
or collections being donated to the Airship
Heritage Trust our Acqusition and Retention
Policy is as follows
acquisition/retention policy
The Airship
Heritage Trustees, and those authorised by them,
will from time to time find it necessary to
collect, store, conserve and catalogue artifacts,
documents and books (items). These items may
be acquired from different source (bequests/wills,
donations, purchase), to be held temporarily
or permanently by the Trust; but it will be
necessary to dispose of items under certain
" Books
- In principle, the Trust should hold 3 x copies
of Each Book 1 x Perfect Copy for Collection,
2 x copies for Service Purposes (loans/research).
" Documents - An electronic copy should
be made of all documents of Historic Significance,
and saved to the SharePoint Site (TBC). The
original document should then be returned to
its cover, and a decision made as to Preservation/Conservation.
" Films/videos - Should be assessed in
light of digital availability. A check should
be made on the internet to see if a complete
digital copy is available. If not, the Film/Video
should be digitised using the MP4 format, and
uploaded to the Trust's SharePoint Library for
preservation. The original should then be considered
for disposal (see non-routine disposal below)
" Photographs - A high quality scan of
the image should be taken, together with as
much information regarding source/provenance,
attributions (primary or secondary) and a copy
uploaded to the Trust's SharePoint Library.
The original should then be considered for disposal
(see non-routine disposal below)
Please refer
to the full Deaccessioning Policy Document regarding
Deaccessioning / Disposal policies.